The Fake Marketer

How Our Podcast Performed in 2024

James Urquhart Season 1 Episode 82

Michael and James are here to review our podcast stats from this year, how we performed compared to last year and how we've been able to create revenue from our podcast despite only having a small audience.

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You've got some data to show me from this podcast, right? Do you think the podcast grew in listenership this year or fell in this new shit? This is utter nonsense. The most popular city. Oh, really? Do we create another podcast? No, no, I like it. You don't need a huge following. We've generated revenue from being consistent. Welcome to episode 82 of the fight marks for everybody. Who's next? Not with us again. Under a week to Christmas now. And this goes out. It is a week to Christmas. Yeah. Scary times. Merry Christmas. Want to know? Well, we had some success this week marketing my group of every. Okay. We launched our first ever Christmas ad. I was going to say we didn't do anything last year, but we didn't really wasn't really knocking about them, was it? I wasn't talking about them, Michael, but do you want to tell the listeners what our idea was? We did it. Was it sort of went from, I don't know how long it took us to think of it, but we were at the marketing showcase and you were like, oh, we could do a Christmas ad, like do some, you know, do some songs. So I thought, leave it with me on the way back in the taxi, I was thinking of some lyrics for Christmas songs. And then from there we recorded last week. Got James with his hood up looking mournful. Was it last week we recorded or was last couple of weeks ago. But what we did is we you mixed up three different videos, music videos and songs. So A17 stay another day. Mariah Carey. One and one and yeah. We changed the words specifically to over a pedas which was cool. My best one Michael, which I even now I absolutely love, which is while the trolls are miming Rupert's quarantining. Yeah. That's a I'm proud of that. Very very good. I was like that has to be around for quarantine, but I couldn't. I was trying to think of I didn't know if people would know what Memeing was. I was thinking while the trolls are scheming. But then I was like, me, Maimane's works for me is brilliant. So yeah, that went live. And we've had, you know, about 5500 impressions on LinkedIn. I have a sketch about about 80 odd comments, no contractions and about 30 comments, all very, very complimentary of our work. It's good you're we've set, we've set a precedent. Now, we can be the. Weakest. It's like John Lewis. Now we've got to start planning. Well, so Amy close in the comments. Did say better than John Lewis this year. So what can we say? Mic drop. Take that. Whoever did the John Lewis. Sorry John and Lewis. So this is I appreciate it. So we're coming to the end of the year and your next. Not here. What a shame. We're going to run through. You've got some data to show me from this podcast, right? So we're going to analyze our own podcast. Yeah. Now I've got some other stuff that's going to counteract and sort of I've got a feeling that the results are going to be brilliant from what we're seeing, but actually what it resulted in shows that you don't need to be Stephen Bartletts huge podcast to make a podcast successful. The right sounds. So do you want to run through? So I've not seen these yet. Yeah, I just thought it'd be. I just went on, I went on Buzzsprout just to check the podcast Gone Live and everything, and I saw this little banner at the top. It's a bit like Spotify raps. Everyone's trying to do their own Spotify rap tour. It's like your summary of the year, that type of thing. So. So Strava does this as well. And actually it's a very good marketing ploy. So you'll see now if I go on Strava now, you'll be able to say you can just get like people back in to check their wow, it gets them in, but also they then post on their socials. Listen, which is really same with Spotify. Other people are post in there like this is the song I listen to are correct. So let me just change. Just, there you go. Yeah. In sport. So it shows you. Oh yeah. Is like Spotify right. Or animate is and other brilliant. They're actually for for it's actually free content I think is really really interesting. Much trouble with this issue because I've been injured for six months, but, Yeah, I'll be vigilant. It but not very good. Very good marketing ploy. So you've seen this, so you had to add a little look just because I was like, if there's no data, it's obviously not very interesting. So what data does it show us? So now I can sort of maybe guess from what I know, I think it's let me check. I don't want to miss speak. Okay. It says your podcast grew X amount this year. Okay. How many episodes you put out. Most popular city, most popular. It does your top five cities that streamed, the podcast. It does your top five countries that stream the podcast, top episodes and then just like a little summary of, like how many downloads, how many minutes, that sort of thing. So it's got a few different, so do you do you think the podcast grew in listenership this year or fell in this year? Well, I'd like to think. It grew. Well, I would I would have said the same because from looking at, when I used to go on and upload them, you know, it used to say like two downloads, three downloads. And I knew probably one of them was you. But now when I go on, it's sort of like ten, 12, 13. So I was like, so the podcast grew 238% this year. This is what I love about marketing, right? Is that let's say we were podcasting and I was showing up in black, my client, I'd be all over that. Oh my God, we've grow 238% this year. It's utter nonsense. That just mean like it doubled. Or is it four times always done. It's it's a lot for that. But but that's good. So okay. It I'm impressed with that. So yeah I'm, I'm, I'm really happy with ask it. Okay. So next we have we put out 49 episodes this year. So if we missed a week or we still got to the end of the year. So we got I think we I think we did miss a week. I know you said we haven't, but I think we probably missed one. We kind of I think we did, but. Well, I'm telling you we can't love. Okay. Well that's annoying, if I'm honest. So the most popular city of people you would believe to be Manchester. Manchester on this. I was going to say London, but it's an easy one. London's not on the Coventry. No. No. Coventry, UK. Yeah, yeah. Where are we? Leamington Spa Leamington Spa. That's not a city. No, that's what it says on here. Okay. But it's, it says most popular city psychiatrist right now. So we've got Leamington Spa, which I assume is you. Yeah. We've got Birmingham, Birmingham second. Warwick, also not a city. Mansfield. You know someone in Mansfield? I don't Mansfield Town though decent. And then, interestingly, can you think of an out the box final one thing the UK. No. Our fifth biggest one can you give me. The country is outside of you if you've got a Google. What country. No chance. I just want to double check because I don't want to misspeak. No, no, it's what I thought it was. I don't want to say the country because then it sort of spoils it. It's you're oh, I don't know, Michael. You're asking me to name a city in Europe. Stockholm. Oh, really? 30 downloads from Stockholm this year. So shout out whoever is in stock listing. Okay, well that's nice. That's interesting to say I can't. It wouldn't have expected in. You don't know anyone in Stockholm, do know. But maybe maybe they're a fan of marketing. Someone out there who's like, that's me. Okay, so yeah, we've had 22 different countries that have listened to the podcast this year. The top one being the, the UK, UK, correct, with 379 downloads. After that we've got America, US with 103 downloads. This is just for episodes published in 2024. So it does include like if they've downloaded older episodes in third. Any any thoughts? Australia. Australia number three with 33 downloads. Below that we have our friends in. Oh, Stockholm, Sweden yet Sweden with 31. And then finally we have so sweet. So Sweden. You know, there's some countries in the euro in Europe. You know, most speak English now, but places like Sweden, a very. It's widespread English, if that makes sense. You know, I love a bit of Mark in every in Sweden they do. And then finally we have Denmark with 18 downloads. Okay. So if we do a little the Danes, if we do a tour of any, we do a like, you know, a theater tour. So okay, well that's interesting. That's okay. So no, I wouldn't have expected that. Do you have I know obviously we've done a lot of episodes this year. We have? Yeah. If you had to guess what the it's saying top episode, I'm assuming it's by the most amount of listeners downloads maybe. Do you think back to anywhere you thought that was, for that? Was it one worry I, you know, someone's been on that isn't even or I, one of them is. Yeah. Okay. One of the moments. Yeah. Now one of them is with Greg. Greg London. That was Nick and Greg. Well, I was on that one. Greg London on improving your traffic conversion. Episode six to the K. I couldn't now correct. We've got the number one is using lead gen campaigns for your e-commerce business. Episode 41 we have however Reaper ads been going episode 70 with, the highs and lows of UGC content. There's Greg and then we have why the inference room is changing how brands work with influencers. I noticed that as well. That Influence Room episode with even the clip I posted about the Influence room got loads of views for some. I don't know if it's because we had influencer in the way I was thinking balanced with Lizzie, actually the influencer because I was actually on with Alex and Tanya last week actually about some. And so yeah, I do. You know, what's really interesting is that, you know, we need to learn from this, Michael, and a fitness system and what we need to evolve, which is if you look at the the top five episodes taken out, Greg was actually looking at Greg as well. Look at the the headlines. Are you saying that like good or bad? Well, I think they're good. Like they're learning the guy. They're going to learn something on there. So if you look at using ledger campaigns for e-commerce business, that's right. Some people might search for type thing. Absolutely. I think the group ads is because of the stuff I'm doing offline or off. So podcast where the highs and lows of UGC content, again, a lot of people are using UGC content and are having issues with it. So I would understand why people would be searching or find that, and I get them from a stream. They've got a, you know, a large following, so I would expect that to be up there. So now a bit of a bit of variety. Yeah. No they're good. And then down here we have, overall little wrapped things. We've had 723 downloads, 49 episodes, 22 countries, 1500 minutes. Overall chat not doesn't obviously includes clips or, the YouTube channel as well. So if you scroll down Michael. So 720 free downloads is about 49 episodes. Yeah. So 70 for a. Yeah. So average not 15 each one. Right. Which is oh that's not there on the bush book considering last year I'm pretty sure it was like three. Yeah yeah. No no no. Absolutely. So but it is it is. Right. If you to look at it just like but what is interesting is so how much does buzzsprout cost us a month. It's about $15, isn't it? Yeah. It's not a lot. So 15. So let's say that cost us hundred today to quit. So 20 pounds for Buzzsprout. We record on a Wednesday night. It didn't take too long to edit. Now actually using the, opus, the opus two clips, but also the actual podcast itself. You know, we're using the The Road to get now, which it made it's easier to to do the audio and stuff. I so from an hour I have a nick sent me an email yesterday saying that he's closed for business from someone who's been listen to this for six months or so, been listening to his podcast, The Connect, and was just out on the Atlantic. I was like, oh wow, that's cool. So I, you know, I'm taking a little, you know, a little, assist for that one. But he's seen so much value and come in and out to use Nick's, one of his services, which is incredible. And actually, I've had people these Rupert's are like touchstone essentials. They've they found out about Rupert from this podcast. Incredible. So touched on essentials. Been using Rupert now for for six months. They've been on the 89 pound one since day one. That's 554 pound revenue. Nick's Ads clinic is 600 pound a month. So let's say that guy stays with him for three months. We've generated 2.5g, and that's revenue doxing of top my head from that. Just for just those people. It's just the two that I thought of right now. It's amazing, isn't it? Really? When you think about when you look, people would look at that and go, it's not a lot. No, it's not a lot. You don't need a lot for it to be successful. Yeah. Like, yes, you can be stable or like a gym James. And like who I speak about a lot, I think his content is really good and it's something I want us to look out for next year. But you don't need a huge following or huge audience. We've we've generated revenue from being consistent every single week. I'm not with miss on my motto for me. Yeah, I think I think the consistency is helped because it looks like obviously you can't see how many sort of, you know, people are returning of the people that are there. But just by looking at the numbers, there's sort of like that's the lead Gen one than the 22, but there's like there's always around sort of 10 to 12. So my question is now how do we out. So if you scroll up I'm not. So how do you how are we going to increase this and double it again next year. So I've seen things like put in the transcript. Yeah, yeah. Do we do that at the moment. Putting a transcript. Where on the description. Yeah. I don't know if you can. I'm assuming you do it for next. I, you I don't do it, but it is done for it. Yeah. So, you know, we could do that. Yeah. So that could be added in. And, I don't know if it's made any difference, but I started moving the episode number from the start to the end. I might get rid of the episode number altogether, but just because I feel like if somebody comes out and sees episode seven and then I think, oh, I haven't watched the other episodes this podcast. So I thought if they have the title at the start, they can be like, oh, Black Friday. And they weren't really care that it's the 79th episode, I, I agree, I think we should remove the that we can do it because Nick Nick more recently has removed his entire Lisa. His podcast now is just titles. Because he gets loads downloads doesn't it? Yeah. So he from August now is just he's he's also tried he was saying keep the titles quite short because obviously the longer the title the more gets cut off when people are looking. So he's tried to keep them kind of they're amazing results. They are really you know he's got you know averaging 500 odds a download. That's fantastic. And he's not been consistent. All. No. And I I because even from August there there's 123456. So there's eight podcasts from August until now. Yeah. As a joke. Yeah. So okay so I've been putting the transcription. Let's get into the episode. Yeah, I think that's the two things we try. Yeah, I think maybe I'll try and be consistent as well with all the clips because we get we have a lot of content, we get, we get a lot of content from it, but it's just being consistent in it. And then maybe how we post it on, we are consistent with that. No, no, no. But I mean just making sure we're on top of it. And like as you talked about, like they all look uniform. And like maybe it's just some ways to maybe make it more discoverable. Some people might find that and go back to find the episode, because clearly the people that are listening, you know, they're they're seeing value because I've, you know, some of them, if you look at percentage, was a huge percentage of them are coming on to purchase a product or service, which is amazing. We need more volume. That's to be able to say. But from a, from a, a consistency perspective, most people are giving up by now. Yeah. And it's not it's not really a thing. We've actually like pushed it like we push. It's sort of like we talk about it on LinkedIn, but it's not something where we well, I've stopped that actually. So I've actually stopped pushing this on LinkedIn recently. Was that like by design it was. No, no, it's just because I post so much about, you know, obviously very Rupert centric content. I, I didn't want to confuse the message. I had not so much not not so much confused. Just I've got so much going out. I can't post any more, you know? You know, I've got beauty over in, in Lagos who's doing a lot of work from which is brilliant, but I'm sort of. Yeah, it might be. It's a weekend actually trying to get people to because a lot of people are on LinkedIn over the weekend. So I'm, I don't post on Saturday and Sunday, so I might bring that into as back a while, but so that's been really good. So, so with the what is talk to you about, it's more of like, well, more than offline. The long day today. More on an offline chat, which is do we create another podcast, which is. I'm never James Zimmerman. I'm just like, I'm going to have to edit. That's not what we thought. We'd like the podcast. To be fair, it's a quick process now. Yeah. Now that we're using these again, it's not so much easier. So always so I do the comment section on the Thursday, I don't know, Wednesday when it's 11:00. And I obviously this is great until it works. And I think it gives us, you know, you know, means that we have a wider spectrum of marketing. But I think we need to crack podcasts with Reaper, which is specific around the comment section. You know, what platforms you can use. You know, you know how you can extract more value from, and actually release a new podcast around Reaper. So I didn't think about calling in the comment section, but I think there's already a podcast called the comment section. Isn't that, have a lot. I'm not sure. Don't quote me on this. Is that Chico Barry's podcast that I might. I have no idea if you know who Jacob Harris is on the the thingy at the moment. Oh, I'm a celeb. Yes, I do know she is. The site. There's the comments section. 4.3 million. What does she do? Trump is trans person. Just general news. You type videos. Okay, I don't know. I don't know if there is one called. Let me put in podcast where it get confusing though. If there was. Yeah. It's true, I follow she's pretty big. Looking forward to seeing it somewhere. Okay, so we can't call it that. So I think we need to come up with some names on a new podcast, but I want to do it where I may maybe, in, interviewing social media managers. I just want it to be very social media centric. I don't want to do it online. I want to do it face to face. Yeah. You don't like an online? I hate them online. I think they're so poor, it's harder to get like there's less flow, isn't there, when it's online, because it's like you ask a thing and then you have to stop and then they talk. And then if they talk over you, it's like you don't raise your hand. Yeah. You don't have to like back and forth. No. So I want to I really want to do that. I want to get people's perspective on, you know, the social landscape. Well how they're using social. And again, obviously bringing it back into the comment section and potentially showing them how badly they're doing it. Now, there's a guy I want to follow. I want to I want to I'm predicting how you're going to talk about what you mean. I think in my mind, I know who you're going to talk about. Who? The financial audit girl. Yes. I've sent you loads of them, haven't I, Caleb? My girlfriend just started watching him. She really likes. And I think he's brilliant. He's dumb. He's massive on TikTok. What a day you go, I want that. But with comments, with comments, you're like, oh, Nancy, come in with the paper printed out. Yeah, let me guess. I think, I think Michael thought is what we need. Yeah, yeah, I like that idea. That's actually an idea where you've said it and I've been like, okay, I've noticed that. I've been sending lots of them say the very word TikTok. I haven't checked, to be honest. Do you send them to Rupert TikTok? How have you how do you know? I think speaking about him, not because you were talking about, like pointing out what people do sort of wrong. Yeah, I know, it's just like I've been really impressed. He's obviously the he's obviously the album was picked up off of engaged. I think it's fantastic. I think it's fun, a brilliant and I think actually that would work. So well for what we're trying to achieve. A very. Yeah, 100% because you'd sort of been doing it with your, LinkedIn. So I think bringing that Ebit, obviously you can bring in my actual people, but then you can also in like the way here we have ads we liked. We can also be like, here's a brand that haven't done their comments very well and put that in the podcast and obviously speak to people. So but I want to I actually there's a couple of points I want to do. And again you know, whether it's be podcast, whether you do we've got to look at this commercially. So I want to pay the social media managers to come on, I want to pay them to come in here for 40 minutes and talk to us about that comment section. I want them to to then go away, and I want them to to to try group up and then feedback their fee and feedback, what they think about it. Is it good is about ugly? Where can we improve? What can we add to our roadmap? So I can get real time feedback is great from customers at the moment, you know. Right. Cool stuff and it was as amazing. Fine. But I want people that are on the tools in it every day giving me feedback. Because that's only going to increase how much better people can be in the future. Hello. Good idea. Do not. Yeah. Okay. Start something we need to storyboard out. Yeah. I'm not I'm, I'm not good at coming up with names but we'll have a thing I think we could, we could you know chatted. I don't know if you know we could come up some ideas. So I think so that's what I want to plan for next year is another podcast. If we could, if we could somehow bring in like the Rupert terminology that we already have, like, not like brand bashers, but, you know, I mean, some sort of like thing, I don't know what it could be, but I yeah, I didn't like that. I don't, I don't know what it could be. I think you've been quarantined like you've been tangled. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So that's my fault. I suppose you don't want to make it too negative, because someone might come on with a really good comment section. You might be like, well done that. We'll find them. Michael. What do you mean? Yeah. We're doing this. And this is. Oh, God. No it's not no God at all. The good the thing is with this is that rather than us rocking up and we chat and nonsense for half an hour, there's gonna have to be some prep like that Caleb guy. The why? I was really impressed with that. And I know so writing channel. That means what? Oh, we have to, just give it a go. And I've got my sketch here. Okay. So, yeah, the prep, he has loads of practice now. He has a team. He's got he's got he must be doing really well because he when my girlfriends watch those episodes, he, like, goes, I know you can join, be a member. Whatever. But he shows his team and there's like 10 or 12 people. Wow. As well as him. So obviously I think because obviously he has people I don't know, I don't think they pay to go on the show. I'm not sure, but they contact him. But he has like courses that they they get them on like financial courses. And I obviously I've had reads and stuff. So yeah he's not he's dinner on student. Right. Well yeah. No. How I want to get me like that. Like a happy. Yeah. Good idea. I think that'll be, that'll be a good sort of. The way this podcast is, is a bit more sort of like fast and loose, whereas I think that it would be a good sort of difference to this one, because it will be like a bit more structured and a bit more like, you know, prepared. Yeah. So it would be a good because then you can sort of do that, but then come on here and be a bit more like, you know, banter on this one. And then on the Rupert one, you can be a bit more like, yeah, you some like, we could get you up a judge outfit and have like a little hammer like you, for instance, and stick up. Yes. Okay. We call the witness to the stand prosecution. I think we confusing in the like metaphors now, but we get. Yeah. I like having cogs of letters. Yeah, I really like it. I really, really like that. Nothing gone. Yeah, I've forgotten that. Yeah. So I definitely will do that. I think we can copy that. Caleb's style. I like it all. I think it's very engaging. And I think actually the people that even go onto the show, if you call it that, get loads of value from it as well. Yeah. I think people coming on to talk about their socials, look at especially the comment, what they're missing, you know, how they're missing out on that stuff. And actually I think know they'll, they'll go away with some, some real value from it. Yeah. Because a lot because as you as in the same way the finance person is, it's like a lot of people don't really know where the finances are. And he sort of gives them that wake up call. And I think it would be the same thing with the comments, or it'd be like there'd be people on there who, you know, might know a bit about the comments, but they'd probably be people who have no idea what's going on, their comments. And you can obviously show them, look at this, look at all these people. And then they can be like, oh, I didn't even know that. So I think it'll be good to have a good parallel. I was expecting to like as much. No, no, I like it. I'm down for that. I think when it seems doable online. Yeah, that's good. But if you were like, we're going to make a feature length film about written, then I'd be like, okay, well that does go on to my point, but that's but that's, that's going to be our next podcast, because the one on, the one that we're going to chat about next is what takes the podcast. We got the 20 to the this one's going out tomorrow, which is the 19th. The next one's going out the 26th. Then after that it's like the fourth or whatever third or whatever it is second. So the new year, we can do it for okay, well, let's leave it there. Michael, I'm impressed with this year's podcast starts now. I'm happy that we get very few listeners, but we get actual revenue from it. It's better to have that than not 10,000 listeners and no, I don't know a Google this what I'm talking about. I don't know what the percentage of people of podcasts that actually generate revenue. And I think it's something like 2% of podcasts worldwide generate revenue. It's something obscene because this is what I spoke about. I did a I did a talk for agency hackers about, next podcast into the agency, into the next 35%. But I don't trust them. No, it's not fair if I've done it, because that's that Google search thing. I don't know how much I trust this Google search thing at the time. So 99% of all podcasts aren't profitable, so we're part that 1%. And we should be very proud of ourselves for that. Michael. Yeah, I'm happy that I get onto the next year on next year and a lot more podcasting. Podcasting. So that's the end of the episode, I hate to say. 19th December. I'm wishing you all a merry Christmas from a South. The board and Michael Barry Christmas. Thank you for joining us on today's podcast. Remember, not every form of marketing is right for every business.